What does the journey of 851,353 lbs joints of pipe cargo from Peterson Integrated Logistics Caribbean yard in La Brea, to a vessel for export, look like? Well, it is hard to capture everything in one paragraph, but here goes:
Exporting cargo requires a combination of the right tools and experienced personnel. Here at D.S. Movers Ltd we offer the complete package. Our HSE team was given the task to design and build custom-made crate racking in order to move the new pipes while also protecting the exterior coating. Load plans and route surveys were conducted in advance to ensure safety, and a transport plan was developed which included conducting the fumigation for export. Working 24 hrs around the clock during the curfew, our ground team sorted, packed, and crated the pipes, transported them to the port, and ensured safe loading onto the vessel – successfully delivering every piece in the same condition as they were received!